Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ag Meeting Notes 10/13

halloween party
andrea meeting at 3:00 wednesday. aaron will go. aaron will also meet with security.
we need people to register to drive. sarah, aaron, and aric will try to register.

mica will be here thursday night to do evening chores. mica and aric will keep in touch. transplant broccoli, and turn on grow light every morning. carmen's mom is coming and can answer lots of questions about gardening. Aric will brew beer on Saturday. Jeff and Aaron will work on repairing the cider press.

oil, soy milk, canned tomatoes, beans (black and red), cream cheese, soy sauce. we'll get onions from the farmers market.

winter break
Rebekah Miller, Michael, barn staff, we will ask after mid-sem.

peace and justice week
fixing the teepee, ideas from the winterizing the garden workshop, think about big tasks that we can all work on together. Harvesting chestnuts!

merrel banana pepper canning workshop, we would need some more vinegar and jars, and maybe some spices. Popsicles!

wednesday after break, toby will get in touch.

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