Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's Summertime at Miller Farm

Dear Farmers and Friends,

This summer, we'd like to keep a record of all of the wonderful things happening at the farm as well as create a space for current farmers to communicate with current, past, and future farmers about the goings on in Richmond, Indiana. It would be wonderful if the current summer farmers would post several times a week with updates, questions, pictures, etc. so that the greater Miller Farm community can chime in with ideas and tips based on their Miller Farm experience. This could also serve as a space for current farmers to ask questions to other farmers, ranging from where to buy chicken food to where the secret patch of asparagus is in the garden. Anything you want to know! If there is a greater dialogue between old and new farmers, this could be a way to pass down Miller Farm information to future generations as well as create a smoother transition between the summer farmers and the fall ones. So please chime in! Ask questions! Update us on what's going on!

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